Cannabis is an extremely versatile plant. It has a long history of use in the making of commercial and industrial products like textile, ropes, shoes, paper, insulation, and more! According to the National Institutes of Health, cannabis has been used as a medicine to treat a wide variety of ailments for nearly 3000 years now!

The Food and Drug Administration categorizes cannabis as a schedule 1 drug with no accepted medical use. However, clinical trials and research show otherwise.

Recent studies show that the use of cannabis is increasing sharply across the United States. Anecdotally speaking, people who have tried marijuana to manage symptoms like chronic pain and epilepsy are happy with the results.

Let’s look at the 5 Most Surprising Health Benefits Of Cannabis:

  • Fight Cancer

Cancer is a severe disease characterized by the uncontrollable growth of abnormal cells that destroy our healthy body tissues.  Cancer is the leading cause of death worldwide, killing nearly 600,000 patients in the US every year!

One of the most amazing health benefits of cannabis is its link towards fighting cancer cells. There is substantial evidence showing that cannabinoids can inhibit the growth of cancer cells and kill some types of cancer.

According to National Cancer Institute, cannabidiol (CBD) may be used to alleviate cancer symptoms and the side effects of chemotherapy like nausea and vomiting. Recent evidence suggests that oral cannabis can help alleviate these symptoms. Please note that more research and evidence are still needed in this area.

  • Help With Alcoholism And Drug Addiction

A comprehensive review recently published in the journal Clinical Psychology Review shows that marijuana consumption may effectively help people battling drug addiction or opioid dependency.

Most people do not develop marijuana addiction. And seeing as it is much safer than alcohol and other commonly abused drugs, cannabis is a smart way to curb drug addiction. You are, however, advised to approach cannabis with caution as excessive use may cause marijuana use disorder in some people.

  • Relieves Anxiety

Cannabis, more specifically CBD, may be used to alleviate anxiety. Researchers believe that CBD achieves this effect by changing how our brain receptors respond to serotonin. Serotonin is the main hormone produced by our bodies to stabilize our mood, happiness, and feelings of well-being.

Note that CBD does not necessarily increase serotonin levels. But by influencing how our brain receptors respond to the serotonin already available in our system, CBD provides antidepressant and anti-anxiety effects. An earlier study also found that CBD helped people with anxiety symptoms to give a speech.

  • Relieves Chronic Pain

Nearly 2.1 million Americans use cannabis for medical reasons. A recent study found that at least 62% of these Americans use cannabis to treat chronic pain.

The cannabis plants contain nearly 100 naturally occurring cannabinoids. Cannabinoids have been found to provide relief from both acute and chronic pain. They achieve this benefit by altering the pain perception pathways in our brain. This effect may help treat conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, and migraines.

  • Reduces Acne

Cannabinoids have been found to possess antifungal and antibacterial properties. These properties may be used to prevent acne and skin infections. CBD also interacts with the receptors in our immune system to reduce inflammation in the body. This suggests that CBD oil may help with acne management by preventing activities in the sebaceous glands.


Rigorous research and clinical trials have backed up cannabis potency to help with a boatload of illness. Cannabis is a natural and safe drug with minimal to no side effects. However, patients are strongly advised to consult their physicians first before using it to manage any symptoms and to do their research to find the best medical cannabis dispensary near them.

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